Our prayers may be awkward. Our attempts may be feeble. But since the power of prayer is in the one who hears it and not in the one who says it, our prayers do make a difference.”

Prayer is our way to communicate with God. Through prayer, we can ask God for help, thank him for all the good things he gave us and ask him for forgiveness.

This website a place from where you can send your prayers. These prayers can be for anyone and for any cause. These can be your personal prayers, prayers for your loved ones, prayers for the tragedies in the world, or you can even pray for your pet from here. An angel will take your prayers from here to Heaven and you may even get a reply too.

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  -   IbzbZleoea


  -   OWmTUMbJJOnI



Have questions?

The prayers can be for anyone and for any cause. These can be your personal prayers, prayers for your loved ones, prayers for the tragedies in the world, or you can even pray for your pet from here.

Yes. From the people praying for financial support, we select a user randomly in a regular period of time and we support him with an amount from the money we receive from donations through this website.

Yes everyone is welcome.

Because everyone need hope and prayers to be answered no matter how old or young, rich or poor.